Wednesday, January 22, 2025

The Battle of Kings Norton, 17 October 1642.

 24 days after the battle of Powick Bridge (23rd September) and 6 days before Edgehill there was a small battle between Royalist horse under the command of Prince Rupert and Parliamentarian horse under the command of Lord Willoughby of Parham. Both forces were marching to join their respective armies and clashed at King’s Norton (now a suburb of Birmingham).  Not an action that gets talked about much as the supposedly invincible Royalist horse, lead by Rupert, must have been having a bad day! Lord Willoughby didn't seem to have got much praise for his achievement, he wasn’t placed to face Rupert’s wing at Edgehill, in fact he seems to have missed the battle as he was part of the escort of the heavy guns.

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