Friday, February 24, 2017

First Battery Move.

140 Siege Battery RGA.  25th February 1917.

November 1916:
Mainly supporting 19th Division, firing about 200 rounds per day. Very muddy and under fire from gas shells.
The light railway supplying their ammunition was badly shelled.  Ammo limited to 30 rounds per day.
January 1917:
Supporting the 11th Div firing 30 rounds per hour all day [8th Jan] and nearly 500 on Jan 11th.  Very cold -10C.  A German plane [Albatross] was brought down and they captured the pilot and navigator.  More snow.
No:4 Squadron RFC spotting for them.

As the Germans fell back at the end of the Battle of the Somme, the heavy guns advanced to keep in range.  140 SB moved from the Authuille Wood position on 25th February 1917 to a new position, Mouquet Farm, not far from Thiepval.
The battery was still part of 36 [Australian] HAG [Heavy Artillery Group] and contained the following siege batteries: 54 SB [Australian], 56 SB, 115 SB and 140 SB.

Red flag marks the new battery position.  Map ref R33a07.

The battery move from grid 12 to grid 33, about a mile.

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